
Incoming first year students that took courses through an institution of higher education may transfer this credit provided that:

  • Roger Williams University is in receipt of the official transcript from the college/university where this course was completed.  
  • 正式成绩单可以发送到招生办公室和/或与学生的网赌的十大网站申请一起上传.
  • 该课程在地区认可的学院或大学完成.  


大学注册办公室将把这个学分记网赌的十大网站生的记录.  如果完成的课程不等同于现有的罗杰威廉姆斯大学课程, 选修学分将被给予.

Roger Williams University awards transfer credit only from regionally accredited colleges and universities and recognized international institutions. 大多数认证机构在成绩单上注明他们的认证机构,并将其列入官方目录.

Transfer credit at the undergraduate level may be granted on a course-by-course basis for course work completed with a grade of C or above.


  • 非认证学校或认证不被认可的学校的课程.
  • 补救/发展/大学预科课程.
  • 持续教育及/或专业发展单位/课程.

转学申请人没有最低学分要求. If you have completed at least one course from a regionally accredited college or university after graduating from high school, 然后你就可以被视为转学申请者了.

A maximum of 75 credits transfer credits from a regionally accredited institution may be applied to a baccalaureate student’s degree requirements. 获得学位所需的课程总数可能超过120学分.

请确保您向网赌的十大网站提供反映字母成绩的最终成绩单.  学分不能授予正在进行或尚未完成的课程.

为了帮助确定您可能收到的课程等效性,请访问 Transferology.

所有学分转换政策都可以在学术政策中找到, 法规和要求部分 大学目录.

欲知详情,请浏览网页 招生转学生网站.

Current Roger Williams University students may take courses outside of Roger Williams University and transfer them back for credit provide that:

  • Roger Williams University’s Registrar’s Office is in receipt of the official transcript from the college/university where this course was completed.
  • 该课程在地区认可的学院或大学完成.
  • 这是一门大学水平的学分课程,学生必须获得“C”或更高的成绩.
  • 学生通过转校预批准表获得学院院长的预批准 注册表页面.

成绩达到C或C以上的课程的学分将记录在学生的记录中. Grades earned for course work completed at another college or university are not recorded on the student’s Roger Williams University record.  在网赌的十大网站以外的机构所修课程的成绩不用于计算学生的GPA. 实习/合作办学不获学分, practicum, directed research, preparatory, 或者补习课程.

所有学分转换政策都可以在学术政策中找到, 法规和要求部分 大学目录.


University College awards transfer credits for eligible courses completed successfully at regionally and programmatically accredited institutions. Official transcripts from all institutions should be sent directly to the University College Office of Admissions at the time of application.

在美国以外的机构获得的学分可以根据具体情况进行转换. 学生应提交由认可的证书评估员完成的官方英语评估.

一旦一个新学生被一个项目录取, 已经宣布了重大事件, 所有正式成绩单和/或考试成绩都已收到, 网赌的十大网站进行官方转学学分评估. 网赌的十大网站保留因课程重复而修改转学分的权利, 学生学习计划的改变, 或者学院认为有必要的其他原因.

Students who wish to transfer credits earned at University College to another institution should consult with that institution to determine eligibility.

Undergraduate students who wish to have transfer credits assessed must provide an official academic transcript for credits earned at another institution and an official report of exam results for credits earned through college-level proficiency examinations.


  • 可接受的转学学分的最低课程成绩为C或2分.000 on a 4.000 scale.
  • 以及格/不及格标准完成的课程不符合转学资格.
  • 转学分也可以通过以下方式获得:
    • 过往学习评估(PLA).
    • 大学水平考试计划(CLEP).
    • 美国教育考试服务中心的DANTES考试项目.
    • 大学预修课程考试
  • 总共90个学分可以转入网赌的十大网站获得学士学位.

Matriculating students wishing to take courses at other institutions and transfer credit to Roger Williams University must obtain permission from their Resource Specialist, 向网赌的十大网站提交“申请就读其他学院”的表格, 并在完成课程后提交正式成绩单. 成绩达到C或以上的课程的学分将被记网赌的十大网站生的记录. 获得的成绩不会被记录,也不会影响学生的GPA.


Students may be eligible for PLA credit if they have accrued a foundation of knowledge and skills equivalent to the content of courses offered by the University College.

Awarded credits are incorporated into a student’s degree plan as transfer credits and are subject to the university’s residency requirement. All transfer credit from all sources may not exceed 90 credits for a bachelor’s degree and 45 credits for an associate's degree.

潜在的解放军学分应该在网赌的十大网站时作为学生转学学分的一部分进行考虑和讨论. 感兴趣的学生应联系他们的职业和学术指导以获取更多信息.


学校对某些企业提供的教育经验给予奖励, 工业和政府机构, 这已经经过了事先的评估并获得了贷款批准. 所有批准的项目和培训都是5年轮换评估.


如果学生成功完成的课程或培训没有在标准化学分数据库中找到, 学生可以提交他们的文件,以评估学分的经验. 学生将根据既定的课程学习成果对这些能力进行系统的评估. 学生应该为每个证书填写一份先前学习学分申请表(PLCR), 培训或执照, 提供所有相关信息. 信贷决定将在10个工作天内作出. 您将收到以下三种决定之一:

  1. Denied.
  2. 信用推荐批准.
  3. 需要额外材料.

如果确定需要额外的材料, 你可以和之前学习评估(PLA)主任一起进行作品集审查. The evaluation of non-collegiate instruction often results in Credit Recommendations and/or Articulation Agreements that are found under Prior Credit Recommendations on our website.


网赌的十大网站提供了一个作品集审查过程,通过以前的工作学习, 独立阅读和学习, 培训项目或在职课程, 志愿服务或其他经验可以分析, articulated, documented, 并进行信用评估.

A portfolio, 就先前的学习而言, 是否有一份由学生收集并由主题专家审阅的证据的广泛书面陈述. The award of prior learning portfolio credit is dependent on relevancy to courses in the student’s degree program including general education, major, 选修课程. 作品集包括一份简历, 个人叙述总结, 演示和验证你对课程材料知识的叙述, 以及证明你对每个公开的课程目标的熟练程度的证据. A certificate or training that has been granted credit through the PLA process may not be used as evidence in a portfolio application.

To be eligible for prior learning by Portfolio Review at UC a student must be matriculated into a degree program at UC and be in good academic standing (Minimum 2.5 GPA).

Matriculating graduate students may transfer graduate credit earned from another institution at the time of admission provided that those credits carry a minimum grade of ‘C’ and have not been used toward another earned master’s degree. The number of credits eligible for transfer may not exceed the difference between the credits required for the student’s academic program and the Graduate Residency Requirement. 在任何情况下, transfer credit requests are not guaranteed and subject to the discretion of the Graduate Program Director in consultation with the appropriate Academic Dean.  个别项目可能有外部认证机构制定的额外要求.

要求考虑转学分, students must submit official transcripts reflecting the earned graduate credit to their respective Graduate Program Director for review. 学生也可能被要求提交课程大纲或其他相关文件以供考虑. Graduate transfer credit is subject to individual review and will be applied to the student’s degree plan by the Graduate Program Director in consultation with the University Registrar’s Office.